Claim Substantiation
Before I joined the industry, I always used to think “does the claim on my shampoo bottle or my body lotion really true or it is just a random statement”. My work made me believe that the words written on the label of cosmetic products are reliable and backed by scientific data. Every claim on the label is always substantiated by studies. Claim is a statement made in advertising / marketing about the benefits, characteristics, and/ or performance of a product or service designed to persuade the customer to make a purchase. Claim S ubstantiation is the process of proving and documenting that claim made about products are true. Claims should not be misleading and should allow the consumer to make an informative decision based on claims that are legally compliant, truthful, honest, fair and backed up with adequate evidence. Claims may relate to health (e.g. does not contain parabens, pesticides, heavy metals, etc.)...